Awana Clubs
November 27 — No Clubs
December 18 — Christmas Party
December 25 & January 1 — No Clubs
Beating the Winter Blues
Theme Nights
January 15 - Winter Blues
Have you heard the saying “if you can’t beat them, join them”? Wear blue and/or white clothing tonight for extra points. AND it’s double point night for sections.
January 22 - Smitten with Mittens
Wear your favorite mittens/gloves, stocking cap, and/or scarf for extra points!
January 29 - Let’s build a Snowman
Today is National Puzzle Day. At Game Time, you’ll be putting together a scripture snowman. Do you know a snowman joke? Bring it for extra points.
January 8 — “Forgiven”
Award Service and Carnival
We celebrate the clubbers’ accomplishments at an Award Service and Carnival on the last Saturday in April. All clubbers participate and are recognized at our Award Service. We then enjoy a pizza supper and 'carnival style' games. Clubbers receive a voucher to use in the Redemption Area based on each 100 points earned at Club throughout the year. A Silent Auction helps supplement the funds the clubbers brought for Missions during the year. It's a great way to end the year!
About Awana
Awana helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Southview offers Awana Clubs for children two years before Kindergarten through 6th grade on Wednesday evenings during the school year (mid-August through the end of April). We begin at 6 PM and end by 7:45 PM (Cubbies end at 7:30). We also provide support for 7th-12th grade students who would like to continue working through the Awana handbooks.
Our evenings include Biblical teaching, scripture memorization, relationship building, singing, games, and hopefully, lots of fun.
A child may visit twice before they are asked to register. There is a cost per child (to purchase a uniform, a handbook, and awards the child can earn). Scholarships are available. Please do not let finances prevent your child(ren) from attending Awana. All other functions and expenses are covered by our church.
If wish to visit or register your child, please arrive before 6 PM Wednesday evening and one of our staff at the Secretaries’ Table located in the hallway will be happy to assist you.
For those in Sparks and T&T Clubs, we have Theme Nights and Contests all year long. We celebrate all of the clubbers' accomplishments with an end-of-year Award Service and Carnival.
For more information about our church’s Clubs, please contact the church office. For more detailed information about Awana, please visit