SALT: Senior Adults Living Triumphantly
Southview Senior Adults
SALT (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) is a service, activity, fellowship, educational, and recreational group for folks ages 55-plus established in 2024. (Younger folks may be interested in some of our activities.)
Please join our Facebook page to keep up to date (and check your email regularly).
IMPORTANT! If you are not yet receiving emails about SALT from Pamela Schmidt, click her name to be added to the email distribution list. Depending on your device, a new email will be generated for you to send to her.
Upcoming Events
Walking the Appalachian Trail — Thursday, May 8th
Join Dr. George Hansen on Thursday, May 8, 6:45 PM at church to hear about his journey walking the Appalachian Trail last year.
Planned activities in the works
Day Trips (possibilities)
July 24: Spirit of Brownville Cruise & show
Aug. 28: Wizard of Oz Museum/Chrysler Car Museum (Wamego KS)
Let Pamela know of your interest. These are Aging Partners trips.
Mahoney Melodrama and dinner (this summer)
Movie night (any movie suggestions?)
BINGO night
Organizer(s) needed. When the weather improves.
We will take advantage of other activities as they come along. Stay tuned to emails and Facebook.
Note: Some of SALT’s activities may be of interest to adults of any age.
Are you 55+ and interested?
Be sure you are on our email list.
Check our Facebook page for updates: SALT: Southview Senior Adult Ministry.
Anyone interested in helping organize an event, please contact Pamela.
Do you have an idea for a SALT activity?
Please let Pamela know. We want this group to meet your needs.
Please volunteer to help organize/plan/assist whenever possible. Help from many team members are needed to make SALT events successful.
Service Projects
People’s City Mission Service
Contact Larry Zimmerman for questions or suggestions. To volunteer, please visit
Shoe Collection
Shoe collection for the City Mission. Watch for the collection bin in early April. In the meantime, don’t throw away those new or gently used shoes!
“Day Without Shoes began to help raise awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can have on a person's life. During a campaign held every April, the community is encouraged to donate their new or used shoes or make a cash donation to help every struggling family get a pair of shoes.”
Rx Pill Bottle Collection
Watch for the collection hamper near the water fountain. Bottles need to be clean, dry, with caps on, and no labels or residue. Place into a clean zip lock bag. These go to medical missions.