Virtual VBS 2020 Archive


Concrete & Cranes is a Lasting Foundation for VBS 2020!

Thank you for joining us for Concrete & Cranes for our 2020 Virtual VBS! We had a blast making these videos for an at-home VBS experience for this unique year. We’re delighted to announce our virtual VBS experience will remain up and running for the fall season so you can continue to enjoy the lasting foundation of this year’s lessons and music. Also, we hope you’ll take the opportunity to share our VBS videos with friends & family!

We look forward to seeing you again next summer for Vacation Bible School!

Join us at Concrete & Cranes for a weekend of discovering how Jesus’ love provides a foundation that will last. Kids will begin Day 1 & 2 virtually at High Steel Worship Rally. From there, kids will gather at Blueprint Bible Study where they will be equipped to dig deep into God’s Word. Kids will learn to be wise builders who continue in what they’ve learned and firmly believe as they discover that He who began a good work in them will be faithful to carry it on to completion. 

At home, kids will make crafts, play fun games, enjoy tasty snacks, sing cool songs, and learn together!

Day 1

Opening Rally


Closing Rally

Day 2

Opening Rally


Closing Rally

Music Videos

Children must be 4 years old and have completed Pre-K through completion of 5th grade.