This week, Associate Pastor David Chatwell preaches from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16, showing us the importance of genuine sincerity and integrity in preaching the Gospel.
This week, Pastoral Resident Harrison Kerns resumes our Letters to the Church series, preaching from Romans 1:18-32, which shows us that scripture gives us warnings of what wickedness brings, and that a good God condemns sin.
Dr. John Shields, the Director of Leadership Health for Church Forward, blesses Southview with God's message for supporting and loving our pastors through prayer.
Deacon Chairman Chris De Jabet preaches from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. This week, in Ephesians 4:1-16, we learn that the church is to use each person’s giftedness to build each other up to maturity, so that the church may live in loving, selfless unity.
Pastoral Resident Harrison Kerns preaches from the Gospel of Mark. This week, in Mark 4:1-20, 26-29, we learn that God delights to include us in His work.
This Father's Day, our pastoral resident, Harrison Kerns, leads us through Luke 15:11-32, showing us that the Father's love for His children does not depend on our righteousness.
Pastor Angel Viveros from Cosecha Lincoln preaches at Southview this Sunday for a special, bilingual service. Pastor Nathan Wakefield provides translation to English.
For a special Discipleship Sunday, guest preacher Pastor Keith Strasburger from Parkview Baptist Church in Lexington, NE teaches us about how to be and make disciples.
Guest preacher Pastor Dallas Powell subs in for Pastor Nathan this week and continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 11-13, God provided a total victory to Israel. Wherever they turned God was with them.
Our Pastoral Resident, Pastor Nathan Wakefield, shows us through Colossians how to cultivate habits that are reflective of our position as one chosen by God, ruled by Christ, and worthy of the name of the Lord Jesus.
Guest Pastor Dallas Powell from the North American Mission Board concludes our Private Prayer sermon series by showing us that prayer gives us a boldness over the fear in the world.
Guest preacher Nathan Wakefield explores Ephesians 6 and discusses how God’s model of Spirit-filled living involves individual, fallen humans boldly standing for Christ empowered by God himself through prayer.