Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Family Time: Lessons from an Overwhelmed Mother
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: The Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: In Relation to the World
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: The Vine and the Branches
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
The Results of Easter for Christ Followers
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Following Jesus: Extravagant Worship
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: Why Do We Need the Holy Spirit?
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: The Exclusivity of Jesus
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Following Jesus: Denying Jesus
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: The Last Supper
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: The Humility of Jesus
Sermon notes available on YouVersion Events.
Following Jesus: Betraying Jesus
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Following Jesus: People Plot, But Jesus Knows
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Following Jesus: The Final Judgment of Humanity
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Following Jesus: Working Until Christ’s Return
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Following Jesus: The Fate of Those Unprepared for Christ’s Return
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Following Jesus: Keep Watch for Christ’s Return
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
Faith & Reason
Guest preacher Adam Lloyd Johnson serves as a campus missionary with Ratio Christi. He also teaches philosophy at Theologisches Seminar Rheinland in Wölmersen, Germany. Adam is a PhD candidate at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Having worked in the field of actuarial science for 10 years after college, he then served as a Pastor for 8 years. While in his twenties he went through a crisis of faith: are there good reasons and evidence to believe God exists and the Bible is from Him? His search for answers led him to apologetics and propelled him into ministry with a passion to defend the truth of Christianity. He desires to serve others by equipping Christians and reaching the lost for Christ.
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.
With Abraham in the School of Faith
Sermon notes available on YouVersion.