Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, Paul & Barnabas preach a historical Gospel message to the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch. The Jews react negatively and the Gentiles react favorably.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, we learn from the example of Paul and Barnabas being set apart and sent out as missionaries amidst the worship of the Antioch church.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, Peter is miraculously delivered from prison, but Herod is not delivered from his pride.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, residents of Antioch — Jews and Gentiles — become Christ followers. Barnabas, Saul, and others minister among them. They were first called Christians there.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, Peter reports his actions to the Church at Jerusalem. His report of God’s sovereign activities overcome the prejudices of the Jewish Christians toward Gentiles.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, the salvation of Cornelius, the first Gentile convert to Christianity, is both the testimony of one man and the overcoming of incredible barriers by the Gospel for all people.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, Peter heals Aeneas and raises Dorcas from the dead. These miracles, following the example of Jesus, bring glory to Jesus; our lives should do the same.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, we witness a life radically transformed by Jesus with the conversion of Saul and his subsequent ministry in Damascus and Jerusalem.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, Philip explains the scriptures to an Ethiopian Eunuch. The Eunuch believes and is baptized.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, Philip preaches and Simon the Sorcerer takes interest; he wants to receive the Holy Spirit too, but for the wrong reasons.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, Stephen preaches honestly, and is martyred for it.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, the church gets her first deacons to serve those in need, freeing the apostles to prayer and preaching.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, the Apostles continue to preach, the church continues to grow, the Sanhedrin continues to threaten. Gamaliel warns that if this is from God it’ll be continual.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, following their prayer, the Believers share freely with one another. Ananias & Sapphira lie, however, and suffer a terrible fate.
Pastor Aaron Householder continues an exegetical series through the book of Acts — The Spirit, the Church, & the World. This week, the united Believers pray with one another to powerful effect — sacrificially caring for one another to meet needs.
Guest Pastor Dallas Powell from the North American Mission Board concludes our Private Prayer sermon series by showing us that prayer gives us a boldness over the fear in the world.