Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues the “Do You Believe? Practicing Doctrine” sermon series. This week in Exodus 3:11‑17 we learn that the existence of God should drive us to regularly take time each week to gaze, search, worship, surrender, examine, confess, cry-out, and celebrate.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield begins a new sermon series — Do You Believe? Practicing Doctrine — starting in 2 Timothy. This week we learn that even though we live in a fallen world marked by deception we can have confidence because God has breathed out truth, which is effective for our thorough equipping. Therefore, we must know and apply that truth.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield concludes our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 24, as Christ-followers, we are asked to commit ourselves to serving the Lord. Such commitment should not be taken lightly but is completely worth it.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 23, we see that Godly character stems from faithfulness to God through a variety of situations. Therefore, Godly character cannot be evaluated in a moment, but rather through the process of living life.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 22, God calls on his people to carefully help each other in their walk by holding each other accountable. At times accountability involves confrontation and has the potential to blow up, but when all parties handle confrontation well it can bring great glory to God.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 20-21, we will learn that, as fallen creatures in a fallen world, holiness does not happen by accident. Rather, we must plan for holiness in a fallen world.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week we revisit Joshua 8 to remember that we need to take advantage of the divine memorials that God has set up by practicing those memorials.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 18-19, we have a tendency to declare victory once we have finished the easy part. In our spiritual growth, we must not declare victory simply because we are ready to be done.
Editor’s Note: While the audio was better this week with our new setup in the Fellowship Hall, there is still a bit of audio interference happening in the recording. This sermon has a number of small skips and hiccups that were unrecoverable. Our tech team continues to work on mitigating the issues for future recordings.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 15-17, God's people must trust him and in turn, commit not just to partially obeying God, but to total obedience.
Editor’s Note: We experienced a significant amount of audio interference during our first Sunday worshipping in the fellowship hall during our sanctuary renovation. This sermon has a number of small skips and hiccups that I couldn’t recover. Our tech team is working to iron out the issues for future recordings.
Guest preacher Pastor Dallas Powell subs in for Pastor Nathan this week and continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 11-13, God provided a total victory to Israel. Wherever they turned God was with them.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 9, we'll learn that we must go to God and petition Him, as Truth, for discernment. Failure to have asked God is not an excuse for making a bad decision.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 9, we'll learn that we must go to God and petition Him, as Truth, for discernment. Failure to have asked God is not an excuse for making a bad decision.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 8, we see that God is a God who is in the process of redeeming that which is broken. He offers second chances and victory. He simply wants His people to come to Him.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 7, the follower of Christ must ruthlessly root out sin and ask God to eliminate it from their life.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 6, God asks his people to step out and act in faith before they even see any cracks in the walls.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 5, you might think that after crossing the Jordan Israel would get straight to work conquering the land. However, this was not the case because the people were not spiritually ready. God cares about the spiritual and often asks his people to ensure they are spiritually ready for the tasks at hand.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 4, we learn that we easily forget what God has done and we need to set up specific reminders so that we never forget what God has done and is doing.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week in Joshua 3, we learn that sometimes following God involves only taking one step at a time, sometimes following God involves following someone who represents God, and sometimes following God involves taking the mission forward ourselves.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week as we study the second half of Joshua 2 we are going to see that Rahab’s faith resulted in actions.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our No Wall Too Tall sermon series through Joshua. This week we see that God loves every individual and is able to redeem them regardless of occupation or ancestry.