Pastor Nathan Wakefield begins the Malachi portion of the Consider Your Ways sermon series. This week, we must recognize that honoring God does not come from outside, but emanates from within the heart of the one who is willing to give their best to their master.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield concludes the Haggai portion of the Consider Your Ways sermon series. This week, make sure that your are finding your encouragement in God.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues Consider Your Ways, a sermon series through Haggai. This week, we learn that God’s standard for obedience is high. Those who know God’s standard are expected to follow God’s standard.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues Consider Your Ways, a sermon series through Haggai. This week, we must realize that we ultimately serve God and if we keep God at the center then we won’t be disappointed.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield introduces Consider Your Ways, a sermon series through Haggai. This week, we learn that in the midst of a long project for the Lord we must make sure we do lose track of our priorities.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield concludes the Disciplined Life sermon series. This week, we learn that as we go through life and do lots of good things, we must never lose sight of the greatest thing: spending time with Jesus.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our latest sermon series: Disciplined Life. This week, we learn that a key part of living a disciplined life is determining to regularly tithe.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our latest sermon series: Disciplined Life. This week, we learn that we need to not just value Scripture in word, but in deed as well.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield introduces a new sermon series: Disciplined Life. This week, we learn that walking with God involves close communion, brings true satisfaction, and is something we are able to do!
To conclude the Easter season at Southview, Pastor Nathan Wakefield preaches from the book of John, showing us that, as Christians, we must determine to follow Christ, focusing solely on Christ and not being distracted by anything that would take our devotion away from Christ.
It is Easter at Southview! On Easter Sunday, Pastor Nathan Wakefield preaches from the book of John, showing us that we need to recognize the significance of Jesus being the resurrection!
It is Easter at Southview! On Good Friday, Pastor Nathan Wakefield preaches from the book of John, showing us there is great value in recognizing the culmination of effort, the accomplishment of a major mission.
It is Easter at Southview! On Palm Sunday, Pastor Nathan Wakefield preaches from the book of Luke, showing us that bearing the cross requires that we look forward to eternity and not become too focused on the short term.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our Letters to the Church sermon series in 1 Corinthians. This week as we study 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, we see that Christians need to be committed to God's standard for sexual purity.
This week Pastor Nathan Wakefield prepares the church for the ordination of a Deacon. While some are called to serve in a special capacity, every Christian is called to serve Christ. As we celebrate the calling of one individual to diaconal ministry, let us each reflect on how Christ is calling us to individually serve.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our Letters to the Church sermon series in 1 Corinthians. This week as we study 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, make sure that your actions reflect your God‑given status as saints of the Most High.
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our Letters to the Church sermon series in 1 Corinthians. This week as we study 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, critically look at your life — are you dealing with sin?
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our Letters to the Church sermon series in 1 Corinthians. This week in 1 Corinthians 4:6-21, we learn we must reject arrogant posturing and instead use the tools we have been given to faithfully grow.